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Note: As of July 8th 2024, promotions are now being referred to as discounts on Seller Hub and eBay help pages. Sell Marketing API documentation has been updated to reflect this product name change, but note that no API interface changes have been made.
This method returns the complete details of the item price markdown discounnt that's indicated by the promotion_id path parameter.

Call getPromotions to retrieve the IDs of a seller's discounts.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

promotion_idstringThis path parameter takes a concatenation of the ID of the discount you want to retrieve plus the marketplace ID on which the discount is hosted. Concatenate the two values by separating them with an "at sign" (@).

The ID of the discount (promotionId) is a unique eBay-assigned value that's generated when the discount is created. The Marketplace ID is the ENUM value of eBay marketplace where the discoun is hosted.

Use the getPromotions method to retrieve promotion Ids. See MarketplaceIdEnum for supported Marketplace ID values.

Example: 1********5@EBAY_US

Occurrence: Required

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

All other standard RESTful request headers are optional. For more information on standard RESTful request headers, see the HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page table.

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the client credentials grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

{ /* ItemPriceMarkdown */
"name" : "string",
"selectedInventoryDiscounts" : [
{ /* SelectedInventoryDiscount */ }

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription

If set to true, free shipping is applied to the first shipping service specified for the item. The first domestic shipping option is set to "free shipping," regardless if the shipping optionType for that service is set to FLAT_RATE, CALCULATED, or NOT_SPECIFIED (freight). This flag essentially adds free shipping as a part of the discount.

Default: false

Occurrence: Conditional


If set to true, eBay will automatically add inventory items to the markdown discount if they meet the selectedInventoryDiscounts criteria specified for the markdown discount.

Default: false

Occurrence: Conditional


If set to true, price increases (including removing the free shipping flag) are blocked and an error message is returned if a seller attempts to adjust the price of an item that's partaking in this markdown discount. If set to false, an item is dropped from the markdown discount if the seller adjusts the price.

Default: false

Occurrence: Conditional


This field is required if you are configuring an MARKDOWN_SALE discount.

This is the seller-defined "tag line" for the offer, such as "Save on designer shoes." A tag line appears under the "offer-type text" that is generated for the discount. The text is displayed on the offer tile that is shown on the seller's All Offers page and on the event page for the discount.

Note: Offer-type text is a teaser that's presented throughout the buyer's journey through the sales flow and is generated by eBay. This text is not editable by the seller—it's derived from the settings in the discountRules and discountSpecification fields—and can be, for example, "20% off".

Maximum length: 50

Occurrence: Conditional


The date and time the discount ends, in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ). The value supplied for endDate must be at least 24 hours after the value supplied for the startDate of the markdown discount.

For display purposes, convert this time into the local time of the seller.

Max value:

  • 14 days for the AT, CH, DE, ES, FR, IE, IT, and UK, marketplaces.
  • 45 days for all other marketplaces.

Occurrence: Conditional


The eBay marketplace ID of the site where the markdown discount is hosted. Markdown discounts are supported on all eBay marketplaces.

Occurrence: Always


The seller-defined name or 'title' of the discount that the seller can use to identify a discount. This label is not displayed in end-user flows.

Maximum length: 90

Occurrence: Conditional


This field is ignored in markdown discounts.

Occurrence: Conditional


Required for CODED_COUPON, MARKDOWN_SALE, and ORDER_DISCOUNT discounts, populate this field with a URL that points to an image to be used with the discount. This image is displayed on the seller's All Offers page. The URL must point to either JPEG or PNG image and it must be a minimum of 500x500 pixels in dimension and cannot exceed 12Mb in size.

Occurrence: Conditional


The current status of the discount. When creating a new discount, you must set this value to either DRAFT or SCHEDULED.

Note that you must set this value to SCHEDULED when you update a RUNNING discount.

Occurrence: Always

selectedInventoryDiscountsarray of SelectedInventoryDiscount

A list that defines the sets of selected items for the markdown discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container defines the discount as either a monetary amount or a percentage applied to the sales price.

Occurrence: Always


The monetary amount that is discounted off an item (or items) when the discount criteria is met.

For threshold discounts, where the buyer triggers the discount, the valid values for this field are:
  5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25,
  30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65,
  70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110,
  120, 125, 150, 200, 250

For markdown discounts, the range is greater, as outlined below and detailed more precisely here:

  • $1 increments from $5 to $100
  • $5 increments from $105 to $1,000
  • $100 increments from $1,100 to $15,000

Occurrence: Conditional


The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

The currency is represented as a 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the specified currency.

Required in the amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


Used for threshold discounts, this is the monetary amount that is discounted off an order when the discount criteria is met. Because this field is valid only for orders, it's not a valid combination to use with markdown discounts.

Valid values for the associated amountOffOrder.value field:
  5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25,
  30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65,
  70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110,
  120, 125, 150, 200, 250

Occurrence: Conditional


The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

The currency is represented as a 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the specified currency.

Required in the amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


The percentage applied to the sales price that is discounted off the discounted item (or items) when the discount criteria is met.

Valid integer values for percentage off:   Min: 5   Max: 80

Occurrence: Conditional


Used for threshold discounts, this is the percentage of the order price that is discounted off the order when the discount criteria is met. This field is not value for markdown discounts.

Valid integer values for ORDER_DISCOUNT discounts:   Min: 5   Max: 80

For VOLUME_DISCOUNT discounts: Must be set to 0 for the first discount rule.

Occurrence: Conditional


A unique, eBay-generated ID that you can use to identify the discount. This field is ignored in POST and PUT operations.

Occurrence: Conditional


A container that defines either the listing IDs or the selection rules that specify the items to include in the discount. Listing IDs can be either eBay listing IDs or a list of the seller's inventory reference IDs (know as SKUs or custom labels). See the selectionRules container for the rule criteria you can use to select inventory.

Note: All listings in Discounts Manager discounts must support an electronic payment method.

Occurrence: Always


Indicates how the items to be discounted are selected. You can include inventory by ID, using rules, or globally include all your inventory.

Occurrence: Always

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.inventoryItemsarray of InventoryItem

An array of containers for the seller's inventory reference IDs (also known as an "SKU" or "custom label") to be added to the discount.

Note: The request can have either inventoryItems or listingIds, but not both.

Maximum: 500 parent items

Maximum SKU or custom label length: 50 characters

Required if InventoryCriterionType is set to INVENTORY_BY_VALUE, you must specify either inventoryItems or listingIds.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of a single-item listing or a multi-variation listing.

To create an ad for a single-item listing, set the inventoryReferenceType value to INVENTORY_ITEM and specify and item ID or a SKU (if the SKU is defined in the listing)

To create an ad for a multi-variation listing, set the inventoryReferenceType value to INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP and specify the item ID for the multi-variation listing or the inventoryitemGroupKey value as defined in the Inventory API.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the type of the inventoryReferenceId, which can be either INVENTORY_ITEM or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP.

Note: This value is not currently returned in the response.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.listingIdsarray of string

An array of eBay listing IDs to be discounted.

Note: The request can have either inventoryItems or listingIds, but not both.

Required: All listings being discounted must offer an electronic payment method.

Maximum: 500 parent items

Maximum SKU or custom label length: 50 characters

Required if InventoryCriterionType is set to INVENTORY_BY_VALUE, you must specify either inventoryItems or listingIds.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container defines a set of inventory selection rules for a discount.

When defining rule criteria, you must limit item exclusions to 100 IDs when you choose from live inventory.

Required if InventoryCriterionEnum is set to INVENTORY_BY_RULE or INVENTORY_ANY.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.excludeInventoryItemsarray of InventoryItem

A list of seller inventory reference IDs to exclude from the discount.

Note: The request can have either excludeInventoryItems or excludeListingIds but not both.

Maximum: 100 parent items

Maximum SKU or custom label length: 50 characters

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of a single-item listing or a multi-variation listing.

To create an ad for a single-item listing, set the inventoryReferenceType value to INVENTORY_ITEM and specify and item ID or a SKU (if the SKU is defined in the listing)

To create an ad for a multi-variation listing, set the inventoryReferenceType value to INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP and specify the item ID for the multi-variation listing or the inventoryitemGroupKey value as defined in the Inventory API.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the type of the inventoryReferenceId, which can be either INVENTORY_ITEM or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP.

Note: This value is not currently returned in the response.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.excludeListingIdsarray of string

A list of eBay listing IDs to exclude from the discount.

Note: The request can have either excludeInventoryItems or excludeListingIds but not both.

Maximum: 100 parent items
Maximum SKU or custom label length: 50 characters

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.markupInventoryItemsarray of InventoryItem

A list of SKUs to remove from a markdown discount. The listed SKUs are 'marked up' to their standard price after being part of the markdown discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of a single-item listing or a multi-variation listing.

To create an ad for a single-item listing, set the inventoryReferenceType value to INVENTORY_ITEM and specify and item ID or a SKU (if the SKU is defined in the listing)

To create an ad for a multi-variation listing, set the inventoryReferenceType value to INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP and specify the item ID for the multi-variation listing or the inventoryitemGroupKey value as defined in the Inventory API.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the type of the inventoryReferenceId, which can be either INVENTORY_ITEM or INVENTORY_ITEM_GROUP.

Note: This value is not currently returned in the response.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.markupListingIdsarray of string

A list of listing IDs to remove from a markdown discount. The listed items are 'marked up' to their standard price after being part of the markdown discount.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.selectionRulesarray of SelectionRule

The container for the rules that select the items to be discounted.

Required if inventoryCriterionType is set to INVENTORY_BY_RULE.

For information on using the contained fields, see Item discounts.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.selectionRules.brandsarray of string

An array of product brands. For more details, see Using the selectionRules container.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.selectionRules.categoryIdsarray of string

This field contains an array of the associated category ID(s).

For Item discounts, a single-item array containing the category ID associated with the discounts. Required when used in an Item discount and either specifying a selectionRules container or when inventoryCriterionType is set to INVENTORY_BY_RULE.

For Promoted Listing campaigns, an array of category ID(s) associated with the campaign.

For information on how to get category IDs, see eBay Marketplace category IDs and Seller store category IDs

Occurrence: Conditional


This enumerated value indicates if the category ID for the item is an identifier for eBay categories or for a seller's eBay store categories.

For Promoted Listing campaigns, this field includes the type of the category ID for the item(s) to be included in the campaign.

For Item discounts, this field identifies the scope for the corresponding array as eBay categories or for a seller's eBay store categories. Required when used in an Item discount and inventoryCriterionType is set to INVENTORY_BY_RULE.

Occurrence: Conditional

selectedInventoryDiscounts.inventoryCriterion.ruleCriteria.selectionRules.listingConditionIdsarray of string

A comma-separated list of unique identifiers for the conditions of listings to be included

For Promoted Listing campaigns, refer to Add items to the campaign. Up to four IDs can be specified.

For Item discounts, refer to Item condition ID and name values.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container sets the maximum price threshold. For more details, see Using the selectionRules container.

Occurrence: Conditional


The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

The currency is represented as a 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the specified currency.

Required in the amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container sets the minimum price threshold. For more details, see Using the selectionRules container.

Occurrence: Conditional


The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount.

The currency is represented as a 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the specified currency.

Required in the amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


For markdown discounts, this field is reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The date and time the discount starts in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ). For display purposes, convert this time into the local time of the seller.

Occurrence: Conditional

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

400Bad Request
404Not Found
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

38201API_MARKETINGAPPLICATIONInternal server error encountered. If this problem persists, contact the eBay Developers Program for support.
38203API_MARKETINGREQUESTResource not found. Check the ID and try the call again.
38204API_MARKETINGREQUESTThe seller is not eligible for promotions because they do not have an eBay Store or they have not accepted the terms and conditions for creating a promotion on this Marketplace, see the documentation for this call.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Gets a specific markdown discount

This sample returns the details for the specified markdown discount.


Specify the markdown discount you want to retrieve using the promotion ID concatenated with the marketplace ENUM as a URI query parameter. See the endpoint below for an example.



The output is the complete details of the markdown discount.

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