eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.7


This enumerated type lists the possible states of a case. These values can be used in the case_status_filter query parameter of the GET /post-order/v2/casemanagement/search request if the user wants to retrieve cases in a specific state.

Call that uses one or more values of CaseStatusFilter:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
CLOSED Use this value to search for all closed cases.
CS_CLOSED Use this value to search for cases that were closed by customer support.
ON_HOLD Use this value to search for cases on hold.
OPEN Use this value to search for open cases.
OTHER Use this value to search for cases where the status of the case cannot be determined.
REFUND_AGREED_BUT_FAILED Use this value to search for cases where the buyer and seller have agreed upon a refund solution, but the refund transaction failed.
WAITING_CS Use this value to search for cases where the case is waiting on a response from customer support.
WAITING_DELIVERY Use this value to search for cases where the buyer is awaiting for delivery of the shipped item.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.